Mark 4:34
He always used stories to teach them. But when he and his followers were alone, Jesus explained everything to them.
Jesus chose the twelve and they followed Him wherever He went. They witnessed His messages and His miracles. They were there when He told parables to the people. The twelve were being groomed to take Jesus wonderful salvation message to the world. Jesus main purpose was the training of the twelve. After telling a parable, He would take the twelve aside to spend time alone with them. There, Jesus would explain the parables. The best quality time the twelve had was not in the middle of the crowds, but when Jesus was alone with them. This was when He would talk one-to-one with them and have a close relationship with them. We are not the twelve, but we can have that same close relationship with Jesus right now just as they had with Jesus back then. We, too, can spend quiet time alone with Jesus and learn just as they did. Take time away from the crowds and come to Jesus. Be alone with your Savior. Feel His presence and know He is real and how much He loves you. You can take quiet time alone with Jesus and develop an awesome relationship with your God!! Get rid of all distractions and talk to and listen to the Lord right now!! Lord, thank You for wanting to spend quality time with me, just as you did with the twelve. When I take time to be alone with You, help me to know how much You love me. Help me to understand and appreciate that You would want to spend time with each of us even though You are the creator of the world. You take time for me, allow this alone time spent with You to be filled with teaching as you did with the twelve. Allow me to learn so that I can share your wonderful salvation message to the world You created and love so much, that You died to save those in it. Thank you Lord for loving us this much. In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! We pray to make time to be spiritually connected to God. We pay to trust that God’s ways are the best even when our sin nature calls us to do otherwise. Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram |
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