Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 4, 2024

1 John 3:17

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

Christmas Season is best known for being a time of giving. As Christ has given His life for us to wash away our sins and help us gain righteousness in the eyes of the Lord, we are to freely (and happily!!) give to others. Now, this attitude should be for year round. But that is not so common. So Christmas has become a time when people are more generous and will give to others. We usually think of giving money since we seem to always have our wallet or handbag with us. But the Lord reminds us it is just as important to give material possessions to those in need. It is common, as life goes on, to change sizes in the clothes you wear. So, what better way to bless another person than with some good quality or gently used shirts, pants, and coats. There are many people that cannot afford nice clothing and this would truly bless them. What about giving away some furniture you no longer use or need? And how does the Lord look upon those people that have useful but neglected items and refuse to help those in need? The Lord says you cannot have His love in you if you have no pity on those in need. You might say we are an extension of the Lord and giving is a way of showing His love to others. We need to work daily on strengthening our relationship with the Lord and becoming more one with Him. When we do, this strong relationship with the Lord will show in our giving!
Lord, I would not be surprised if everyone has something of quality they no longer need or no longer use. This is a fantastic opportunity to bless people that are without. Lord, direct my path as to what I should take and where it would be best to take it. Bring people into my path and open my eyes to their need. Let Your love shine through me, not only this Christmas Season, but all throughout the year. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for all those that lost loved ones this year and are now facing the holiday season with difficulty as they miss their loved ones.

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