Psalm 18:36
You enlarged my path under me,
So my feet did not slip.
So often when we speak of our life we refer to it as the path we are to walk. One time my wife and I went hiking with two friends along the west rim of the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. One of the other two was very unstable walking the Turkey Path Trail. It was very narrow and often sloped sideways. We had to walk, one before and one behind this person, each of us holding their hand, to get them back to the trailhead. In Psalm 18, King David speaks of all the different ways the Lord has blessed him. One way was the Lord widens the path so King David’s feet did not slip. The Lord is with each of us everyday ready to widen the path each of us must walk through this world. It can be a very difficult life at times with a very difficult path before us but the Lord is there waiting for us to ask Him for His help. Yes, the Lord will widen our paths as He did for King David. He is there to make our walk more stable and more safe. The closer we get to the Lord, the wider and safer the path under our feet will be. Don’t wait. Get closer to the Lord today and He will make your path wider and safer. And that hand reaching back to you on your sideways sloped path to stabilize your walk, that is the hand of Lord Jesus Christ!! Lord, You are always right there to help me. Your thoughts are to always help Your children. Help me to get closer to You. Please, get rid of anything that will hinder my walk with You. I ask You to widen and stabilize my path before me and help me to be a perfect diplomat in this world for Lord Jesus. I Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Pray to be the Love of Jesus they need to encourage them to give life another shot and to be open to the Salvation of the world. Send prayer request to: Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram |
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