Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 29, 2024

Psalm 133:1-2

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

For brethren to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious oil upon the head,

Running down on the beard,

The beard of Aaron,

Running down on the edge of his garments.

How precious and wonderful it is when Christian brothers and sisters live together in unity. Having a like mind in all things with each other as we do with Jesus is very important to having a joyful and peaceful life. Without unity there is division within the family of God. Division separates and causes factions among the people. How did the Lord describe this need for unity? As the precious and Holy anointing oil running down the head and beard of Aaron, that is how special unity is. When they anointed someone, they did not touch a little to the forehead, Oh no, no, no!! They poured the oil down over the head. They saturated the person signifying a very strong calling and serving of the Lord. Don’t just touch a little anointing oil to your head. Pour that oil! You are a child of God! Oil is the sign of anointing and the Lord tells us when His people live in harmony with one mind with Jesus we are a special and anointed people. You are here on this earth at this time for special service to and for the Lord!! And you live in a strong unity with Christians all over the world.
Lord, thank You for calling me to serve You. Thank You for anointing me to the work of Lord Jesus. No matter how big or how small, help me to serve You to the greatest of my ability. You have placed me on this earth right now for a reason and I am here to serve You. Strengthen the unity I have with all Christians as I grow stronger in Your Word. Help me to share and show Your love. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for traveling safety for those on the road this holiday season.

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