Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 28, 2024

Galatians 4:7

Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Before we ever come to Lord Jesus, we are all slaves. We are slaves to sin. Being a slave means being owned by another. We were owned by the sin of this world. We were under it’s authority and power. We would respond when it would call out to us. But, then Jesus came into our lives. Jesus, with His death and resurrection, freed us from sin and the grasp it had on our lives. Because of Jesus we are now free! We are adopted sons and daughters of the Most High God and free from the grimy grasp of sin. And since we are now part of God’s family, His adopted children, we are heir’s of God through Lord Jesus. Being an heir means we now have an inheritance from God. That inheritance is being allowed to spend eternity with God and Lord Jesus in heaven. Yes, heaven is our inheritance. This was all made possible by and through Lord Jesus. Without Jesus birth, death, and resurrection, we would have spent an eternity away from God and His love!! Shout out “Thank You Jesus!! for freeing us from the slavery of sin!!
Lord, thank You for freeing me from sin. Thank You for allowing me to spend eternity in heaven with You. Thank You for the close relationship we can have together. I can never pay You back for all the wonderful blessings You bestow upon me. But help me to try by being the best child of God I can be and serving You to the fullest!! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for wisdom as FCFI makes plans for 2025 and that God will provide the necessary funds.

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