Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”
Christmas Day 2024 is now officially over. Though one or two may still get a late surprise from someone, for most of us the giving and receiving is done. Some will look at what they received this Christmas season and lament not getting this or that. God tells us to not look at things this way. The Lord tells us when we put our dependence on material goods and on money, we will never be content. The Lord tells us, whatever we get in this world, be content and realize the Lord will never leave us or forsake us and always make sure we each have what we need. He will be with us every step we take in this life. He will make sure we are provided for. He will bless us by providing our needs and even address our wants. We all must sit back and relax and be content. Now look up at the man above. He is just sitting there relaxed and watching the water. We have what we have and so why worry about all the things we do not have. Be content with what the Lord has provided for you and spend your time focusing on the love of the Lord. There is a nice relaxing hammock for you along the water, also!! Lord, our human nature, tainted by sin, makes us all worry about anything and everything. Help me to relax and realize You are our great provider. I know You are always watching over me and will make sure I have what I need. You are such a loving and caring God and Father! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Please pray all people will have a spirit of praise and a song on our lips and in our hearts to our Heavenly Father! Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us Facebook or Instagram |
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