Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 2, 2024

Luke 1:35

The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; for that reason also the holy Child will be called the Son of God.

The Israelites were waiting for the Christ or the Messiah. It was prophesied by the Lord through His prophets in the Old Testament that the Lord would be sending a Savior to the people of Israel. The people anxiously waited. But many were expecting a man to come out of nowhere and lead the Israelites in revolt of the Romans who were in control of Israel’s country and people. Their idea of a savior was political and the King they anticipated would give their own country back to them. The Lord had a totally different plan. He was bringing a Savior or Messiah to remove the dirt of the people’s sins that separated them from God and prevented them from having a right relationship with their creator. The Bible verse above, was the beginning of God’s salvation plan for His people. An angel appears to a young lady, Mary, and tells her that she would become pregnant by the power of God (His Holy Spirit – the power of the Most High will overshadow you) and not by man. And because conception was by God and not a human male, the Child would be known as “The Son of God!” We all know the “rest of the story” where she gives birth and the Son grows up and washes away the sins of the world by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Mary had this one amazing Godly encounter with an amazing message for her personally. This Christmas season remember the real miracle that the birth of Jesus truly was!
Lord, thank You for having a plan. Thank You for thinking of my relationship with You and not just who runs the country I live in. Thank You for washing away my sins and allowing me to be part of Your family and to live in Your love. Thank You for Mary being so willing to abide by Your plans. Today, so many people have the chance to serve You but insist on having it their way. Help me to have the trust in the moment just as Mary had. She could have refused from fear and lack of understanding what You were doing. But she followed You to the end. I want that devotion to You! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for Russ as he struggles with his wife having cancer.

December 2024 Prayer Guide
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