Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 7, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Acts 4:18-19

So they called Peter and John in again and told them not to speak or to teach at all in the name of Jesus.  But Peter and John answered them, “You decide what God would want. Should we obey you or God?

The heads of Israel forbid the new Christians from going out and preaching Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. But the men and women of this new Way were courageous. They could have buckled to this large group of distinguished men. They could have been in awe of the leaders and obeyed their commands to stop preaching Jesus the Christ. But they did not obey these men. They knew if they obeyed men that they would be rejecting God. Though threatened by the Jewish leaders, they still strongly obeyed the Lord. They would not back down and cave to the pressure. Those disciples, though threatened, went out into the streets and preached Lord Jesus!! The world we live in today is exactly like what those first Christians went through. Today there is strong pressure from politicians and celebrities to reject the Lord and His ways. It sounds like there is a larger number of those against the Lord than there are standing with Him. But, there are still a lot of people today, just like those early Christians, that side with the Lord and will not turn from Him. Evil is trying to destroy the wonderful blessings we have by committing our Lives to Jesus. Just as those early Disciples of Jesus did, stay strong in the power of the Holy Spirit and live life according to the Lord in all things!!
Lord, there is pressure all around us to turn from serving and living for You. Please give Your children the strength to stand before the wiles of the evil one and stay strong in our lives for Lord Jesus! We love You Lord!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 6-8 Minnesota Farmfest, Redwood Falls, MN, Doug Peterson

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