Prayer Guide and Devotional
1 Corinthians 5:13
But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”
There are different verses in the Bible which Christians shy away from. This is one. Look at the verse and ask yourself, who is “the evil person?” Is it not ANYONE who is not part of the Lord’s family? Is it not ANYONE who is not part of those redeemed by the blood of Jesus? So we know who the Lord was speaking of, the unsaved. As Christians we are to have no part of their evil lives. There is a man who enjoys witnessing for the Lord that feels it is our responsibility as Christians to point out to those in the gay and lesbian lifestyle that they are going to hell because of their lifestyle. And every time he does so they get very mad, refuse to listen to the Gospel message, and will walk away from him. He is judging them to their face. Yes, they are living a lifestyle against the Lord without a doubt. But by us throwing it up in their faces they just close up and will not listen. Who is it that can change their lifestyle? Is it this witness? No, only Jesus can change them to live according to His will. This is where the amazing thing of Jesus comes into action. If you just tell them they have a tremendous blessing coming to them and then share the salvation message of Lord Jesus to them, they have the opportunity to come to Jesus and He will change them! Yelling at those outside the Lord’s will is not going to change a thing with them and will only drive them further away from the Lord. If they do not want to hear about the Lord, just tell them to have a great day. Allow the Lord to deal with them. It is not our responsibility to criticize or judge them. Here the Lord is telling us not to judge the unsaved for that is the Lord’s responsibility. Offer to anyone willing to listen, the amazing salvation message of Lord Jesus. Do not judge them if they do not listen or if they reject the Lord after hearing. Thank them for listening and tell them to have a great day. Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Lord Jesus Christ August 6-10 Addison County Fair, Vergennes, VT, Bill Brown Send prayer request to: |