1 Timothy 1:12
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,
We all must remember, before the Apostle Paul served the Lord, he worked hard at throwing the early Christians into jail and was fully in favor of their execution. Paul was one bad dude! And he thought he was serving God because the Christians were going against everything Paul was taught by the Jewish religious leadership. Then there was that moment the Lord appeared to Paul! From that moment on Paul knew his real ministry, to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And please notice, this ministry Paul was in was not according to his own doing. He fully owns up to the fact that it was Jesus who enabled him to go where he went, speak what he spoke, and write what he wrote. As FCFI reaches out in evangelism to all the places they do, it would not be happening without the blessing of the Lord. The Lord created the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International and has directed all of their steps and any and all lives touched by FCFI is due completely to Lord Jesus. You could replace every “me” from the Bible verse above with “FCFI.” Or, with your name!! Hey, just like Paul!! You have not been placed on this earth to eat nachos on the couch and watch TV. The Lord has placed you on this earth at this time for the purpose of worshiping Him and serving Him. Pray that all Christians will come to the Lord for direction and serve Him to the greatest of their abilities! (Note: The picture above is FCFI witness and local farmer Ed Terrel sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this young lady at the 2024 Troy Fair in Troy, PA. Ed has the Wordless Walking Stick and is ready to share when she spots the Wordless Bible Cow Bookmarks.This young lady and her husband behind her are also local farmers.) Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 27-29Farm Progress Show, Boone, IA, Dennis Schlagel Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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