Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 26, 2024

If it is possible, as much as depends on you,

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

So much came out of the 70’s! Lava lamps, shag rug carpeting, and bell bottom jeans are a few. There were some funky things! But if there is one thing that was good that came out of it, it was the peace sign and the encouragement to live peacefully with other people. The amazing thing is, that generation was so into self and it was the generation where pulling away from God really started. Yet, they were putting into words and actions one of God’s commands, to love one another. Now remember, if it was something easy to do, there would not need to be a command from God to do it. But sometimes it can be hard to live with our fellow man. There is so much that weighs a person down and causes them to get angry. From how others treat them, road rage, work stress, financial stress, and family stress. But in all of this the Lord tells us to “live peaceably with all men”. The ability to do so does not come from us, but from God. The Lord will give you the strength to look past all that frustrates you and angers you and will help you to accept all that comes your way. But you must come to the Lord and ask. He is waiting for His children to come to Him and ask for His help and guidance. He is just waiting to “make your day!” Is it time for you to ask for help?
Do not let the frustrations of this world hinder your ability to live a peaceful and joyous life. Get on your knees today and ask the Lord for help in helping you get past the frustrations of each day and live a peaceful life!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for Richard and Sally, they desire to be witnesses no matter their ages.

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