Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 22, 2024

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

Now, this Bible verse is certainly something most people can understand. Regarding a garden, if you plant a lot of seeds or plants, you will get a lot of produce in return. However, the Lord tells us this also pertains to life. If you put a lot of time and energy into something, you can expect to get a lot of good results out of it. Put hard work into your job or whatever you are doing, expect to see much and good results. But remember, this goes for just the opposite as well. If you do not put much energy, devotion, or focus into something, you will get very little out of it. If you put a lot of work into your marriage, expect to have a good marriage. If you put little to no work into your marriage, expect your marriage to suffer. The same goes for friendships, work, hobbies, and everything else in life. Look at the combine working above. Look at the size of that field of grain. The farmer did not just throw a handful or two of seed in the ground. That farmer spent a lot of money on a lot of seed and then spent a lot of time planting to see a harvest like you see above! Are you planting good seeds as a Christian? Are you investing your time and energy into being a good diplomat for Lord Jesus?
Do not let your Christian walk become lazy and refuse to put time and energy into all you do. Instead, as the Lord shows us when He went to the cross and died for OUR sins, we too, as Christians, should put our ALL into all we do to show the Lord we truly appreciate Him and want to be like Him!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 21-25 Connecticut Valley Fair, Bradford, VT, Bill Brown

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