Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 21, 2024

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

When Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, we all had to live life with that same sinful nature. We had nothing to look forward to. We were destined to die a physical and spiritual death and spend eternity away from God. But Jesus changed all that. He came into the world to save all the people of the world from having to pay for their sins which we all have committed and deserve punishment for. Jesus died on the cross, He shed His blood, to pay for the sins of the world. And, with Jesus death and resurrection, we now have the promise from God of a new and eternal life with Him in heaven. But it all starts with receiving the Christ into your heart and life as your personal savior for what He did for you on that cross. At that point, you become “A new creation in Christ.” You have been freed from that sinful nature. The old you is gone! You can live your life as the old you destined for a world of darkness and hate away from God. Or you can receive Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior and the new you lives life both here on earth and then forever in heaven with Jesus and all those freed from sin by the blood of Christ. You are new!! You are no longer bound by sin!! Praise Jesus for this miracle transformation!!
Do not wait, receive Jesus into your heart. Become a new creation in Christ and say good bye to the old sinful you!!
Lord Jesus, I need you! Thank You for taking the punishment for my sins on the cross. I ask You, Jesus, to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Please forgive my every sin and accept me into your family. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name! Amen.

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 21-24Tri-State Antique Tractor Show, Bill Nichols

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