Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 19, 2024

Now Barnabas was determined to take with them John called Mark.  But Paul insisted that they should not take with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia, and had not gone with them to the work.  Then the contention became so sharp that they parted from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus;  but Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God

The early Christians were really starting to get things going. Paul and Barnabas had been going though many towns preaching the Gospel of Lord Jesus. They were seeing many souls turn to Lord Jesus. But, as can happen so often, division made it’s way into the dynamic duo. Barnabas wants them to take John Mark with them. Paul does not want to and he is emphatic about it. Was satan trying to crush a super ministry team? What satan may have meant to destroy, the Lord just may have other plans. Up to just a few years ago, FCFI was attending the Future Farmers of America (FFA) National Convention. They were able to attend this top level convention and share Jesus Christ with a lot of FFA students. Then just two or three years ago, the FFA National Convention leaders decided they would not allow FCFI back. This appeared very disheartening for FCFI leadership. Then FCFI changed plans and decided, if we could not attend the National Convention, we would attend the various states conventions. Satan thought he had won and Jesus was not going to be preached to the FFA members. Now, FCFI is part of many different states FFA conventions. The Gospel of Lord Jesus is going out to so many more than would have heard it if FCFI had stayed just at the National Convention. Paul chose Silas to go with him and Barnabas took John Mark with him. Paul and Barnabas did not dissolve their relationship and quit the ministry. That one Super Ministry Team became two Super Ministry Teams! Double the amount of people were reached because Paul and Barnabas split up. Though things may appear negative on the surface. The Lord may have other plans we do not know about!
Lord, I do not always understand what is going on. But I also realize I do not have to understand what is going on. Lord You have mighty plans that need to happen to reach the world with Jesus salvation message. You have so many things happening at the same time and only You could orchestrate this. Thank You for not involving me in the master plan but only my little part. Help me to do my little part the best I can so souls can come to Lord Jesus! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 20-22Dakota Fest, Mitchel, SD, Jeff Goss

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