Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 17, 2024

And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked.  This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed,  said with a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And he leaped and walked.

God did not heal the people by miracles just when Jesus was on the earth. The Lord gave the Holy Spirit’s healing power to the Apostles as well. Notice the same thing needed to be present with Paul that needed to be present when Jesus performed miracles – The lame person had to have faith in God! Paul noticed the man’s faith and called out to the man to stand up. The Holy Spirit healed the man, a man who had never stood upon his own two legs in his life. And notice the man did not slowly get up but leaped to his feet. I was once in the hospital for three weeks. Upon trying to get out of the wheel chair and walk I wavered and needed support from another person. This man never ever walked and the Lord not only healed his leg muscles, bones, tendons, and nerves, but he also gave the man perfect balance. The Lord was healing people through the Apostles! And all that was needed was for Paul to have the faith to speak out and tell the lame man to stand up! That same God and that same Holy Spirit that healed that lame man almost 2000 years ago is the same God and the same Holy Spirit at work in all of our lives today. Listen for the Lord to direct you to use the power of His Holy Spirit where someone needs a healing today!!
Lord, give me the boldness of Paul and the ability to hear Your voice. I want to bless others the way Jesus did and the way Your Spirit did for the Apostles. I know You are the same God back then, as You are today, as You will be forever. Lord let Your Spirit be one with me and allow Your miracles to flow today!! I love You Lord!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 17 Roseboom Antique Show, Roseboom, NY, Bill Brown

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