Prayer Guide and Devotional – April 27, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Jesus was speaking to the Jewish authority. In their teachings (Bamidbar Rabba) they call God “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.” These are very special and very sacred writings pertaining to the Book of Numbers in the Bible. Jesus was equating Himself with God when calling Himself the Light of the World. The Pharisees got very upset. To the Pharisees and their hard hearts, this was blasphemy. But we know the truth. Lord Jesus is very much, the Light of the World! The physical sun in the sky rises and gives light upon the earth giving it warmth promoting growth and it gives light to easily walk while in work, play, or leisure. The physical sun will go down at night leaving the world in darkness to stumble and fall. Lord Jesus is the Spiritual Light of the World. The Light in our lives to help all people walk and live in the light and the love of God. But the Light of Lord Jesus never goes down and never disappears. You can only get this Light of the World from the creator of the world. We all walk in spiritual darkness until we come to Lord Jesus and receive Him into our hearts and lives. Once we receive Jesus into our hearts and lives we will never lose that Spiritual Light. It is inside of us forever! Do you have the Light of the World living forever inside of you? Have you received Jesus into your heart? 

Yes Lord, I am excited to say I have Lord Jesus in my heart and guiding my life! Thank You Lord Jesus for being that Light that illuminates my spiritual world and helps me to know God’s perfect Love. I ask that Lord Jesus Light will shine brightly forth from me for the world around me to see and I hope and pray it encourages them to come to Lord Jesus, immediately. In Jesus name, amen!!

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Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus April 27 Bloomsburg Renaissance Jamboree-Bloomsburg, PA, Doc Devoe

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