Prayer Guide and Devotional – April 11 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Acts 9:1

Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.

The Apostle Paul traveled a long road in his life. Before being known as the Apostle Paul and carrying the Lord’s love and Word to so many people, he was known as Saul, the Pharisee. And Saul was a very devoted Pharisee. Saul worked hard to round up followers of Lord Jesus in the early days of Christianity and have them thrown into prison. But, as bad as Saul was, the Lord still loved him, turned his life around, and used him in mighty ways for the Jesus. And the Lord loves each of one us as much as He loved Saul. We are to never look at ourselves or at others as not being able to be saved. The Lord loves every single person and had Jesus die for everyone’s sins, not just those of a select few. We can look at our present situation or even our past and think the Lord must really hate me and sees no value in me. But it is just the opposite. The Lord’s love for us, just as for Saul as bad as he was towards the Lord’s followers, is very strong and will never change. The Lord loves you! You are a tremendous value to the Lord! Don’t let the enemy tell you any different. If you were the only one in need of saving, Jesus would have still went to that cross!!

Lord, I may not have been as bad as Saul, but I know I have done many things in my life that offended You and broke Your rules. Without Jesus I was destined for an eternity in hell. You could have given up on me Lord but You still paid for my sins on that cross along with everyone else’s. Thank You Lord for never giving up on me. I pray to have the ability to always please You and carry Your love to everyone I meet. You love me Lord! Thank You so much! In Jesus Name I ask, Amen!!

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Prayer Requests!!!

Please pray for Phil. He has had another bladder surgery to 

remove malignant tumors.

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