Prayer Guide and Devotional – September 9, 2023

Proverbs 12:10
The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
The Lord created every living thing and that includes all the animals on the earth. One of the ways others see Jesus in us is the way we care for His creatures. When an animal is crying for help, do you walk the other way or do you do what you can to comfort it? Taking care of animals is a daily part of many of our lives. It is an act of righteousness to care for their needs. Often, as in the life of a farmer, the needs of the animals comes before the needs of the care taker. Early in the morning and/or late at night when the need arises to water or to feed, the righteous take the time to do just that. We push aside our troubles and care for the needs of the animals that the Lord God has given us to provide for. This is an act of kindness and one that the Lord God counts as righteousness.
Lord, please help me to always care for all the creatures you have placed in my path. Though the troubles of this world may pull and push at me and cause me to get upset, help me to always care for your creatures with respect and make sure I am taking care of them the way you want me to!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for all people that are living off of a fixed income during these difficult financial times.
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 9 Canajoharie Street Fair, Canajoharie, NY (Bill Brown)
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