Prayer Guide and Devotional – September 7, 2023

2 Samuel 23:16
So the three mighty warriors broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the Lord.
So often I read this verse and thought “What are you doing King David? Those men risked their lives for your much desired water!” Then, I found out I was looking at that all wrong. That water from the well of Bethlehem was precious and special to David. His men knew this. And they were willing to risk their lives for that water. But, it was the act of these three warriors of his that was special. Not the water. David was making the brave act by those three men a “poured out offering.” That water and those men were so special He was thanking the Lord for their service to him and the Lord. Have you got special blessings that are just too amazing to believe? That is the moment to get on your knees and “pour out” that blessing to the Lord. Don’t hoard that blessing to yourself. Pour it out and allow the Lord to bless many. You will find a special peace and contentment knowing you have given back to the Lord.
Lord, please do not let me hoard any special blessings you give me that can touch other hearts and souls for Lord Jesus. I pour out these blessings knowing this will bring me closer to you, Lord, and may have an eternal impact on the life of another!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 7 – 10 at the Nittany Antique Machinery Show at Penns Cave, Centre Hall, PA (Michael and Karen Steele)
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 6-10 Luzerne County
Fair,Dallas, PA (Wayne Laidacker, Dave Merithew)
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 6-7
Wyoming Farm, Ranch and Hemp EXPO,
Hawk Springs, WY (Jeff Goss)
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 7-10 Hebron Harvest Fair,
Hebron, CT (Bil Brown)
September Prayer Guide:
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