Prayer Guide and Devotional – September 6, 2023
John 7:38
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
Any river, creek, or stream must have a source and an ending. The source is where the flow of water starts. The ending is, of course, where it ends. Lord Jesus tells us, when we become one with Him in receiving Him into our hearts and lives, we now have a river (notice not a creek or stream) of water flowing from within us. Jesus is the source of that water and that water is Living Water. It is a life giving source. It is an eternal life source. And the flow of that river of living water comes from within us. Where does it flow to?? Look at the river above, It is a wild and rapid flowing river. If you are not allowing that flowing river coming from within you to come out of you and splash all over those you encounter, you are stifling that flow down to a quiet little stream. Lord Jesus wants that flow of Living Water to become that rapid and wild river coming out of you and anointing all those people that come near you. Jesus does not want us to go to all these Bible studies and church services and hold all that wonderful water in. Jesus wants us to share that living water all we can and bless and anoint others!!
Lord, please help me to open the flood gates of my heart that controls the flow of your living water within me. Allow me to splash that wonderful living water of Lord Jesus on every person that crosses my path and richly bless them!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for the world as the outbreak of violence is hitting everywhere.
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