Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 28, 2023

Acts 21:7-8
And when we had finished our voyage from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, greeted the brethren, and stayed with them one day. On the next day we who were Paul’s companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him.
Acts thru August
One of the common methods used by early Christians was to share the good news of Jesus Christ in people’s homes. Having a community church building did not come about until the third century. So, until that time, a lot of the sharing was at people’s homes. They did not have the big coliseum crusades as Billy Graham used to have. A lot of governments discouraged large gatherings like those back then. Even today there are many churches of large sizes that started in someone’s home. Two or three or four met as friends or maybe at work and realize they all have a desire to grow in the Lord. So they start Bible study meetings in homes. The home is a very relaxed atmosphere and people can be more themselves. You can sit and share a meal or just relax in a comfortable living room or porch area. This was a main meeting place for all the Disciples to share Jesus Christ with the people back in the early days of Christianity. Still today I know of several different churches going on in homes. It has not changed in 2000 years having the home be a center of gathering. Whether for holidays or for church the home is an exciting place to be!
Lord, it is so awesome to think it has been almost 2000 years and there are still some similarities between our Christian Fore Fathers and the spreading of the Gospel of Lord Jesus and the sharing of Your Word today. I ask a special blessing on all those home churches that they would feel the mighty presence of Your Holy Spirit as they get closer to each other and You at the very same time. I Praise You Lord God and thank You for Your love and kindness!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Please pray that God will raise up some young farmers to take the place of those that are growing older and want to retire.
A reminder of this service for farmers:
Farmer Crisis Center:
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