Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 11, 2023

Acts 8:1,4
At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.
Acts thru AugustOne time I stopped by my neighbor’s house years ago. In his garden the radishes were producing like crazy! The unusual thing was they were not in clean straight rows. They were all over the place! He told me he broadcast planted them. Take a handful of seed and throw them out into the garden (where they land is where they grow). That is what the Lord had to do with the first group of Christians. They were to be the first to take the message of Lord Jesus to the ends of the earth. The problem was they all lived in the same city (Jerusalem) and would not leave. So the Lord allowed a great persecution of the first Christians and it drove them away from Jerusalem to flee possible death. And what did they do when each of them found a new town to settle down in? They went right back to preaching the Word of God and making new converts to following Jesus. You see the farmer above using the broadcast planter? That is what the Lord did with the first Christians so they would be just like the seed the farmer above was broadcast planting: They would take root, grow, and produce wherever they land! Today the Lord is “broadcast planting” many evangelists and missionaries around the globe. If you feel the Lord is pulling you from your home, it may be His hand broadcast planting you!!
Lord, You tell us the fields are white and ready for harvest but the workers are few. I pray those You have chosen feel Your Holy Spirit guiding them and adhere to Your call upon their lives. Take them in Your hand and broadcast plant all these mighty men and women of God across our great country and across this great world. Please, let each one feel Your presence and glorify You by planting Jesus Christ into the hearts of everyone they meet! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus August 11-13 CVAEMA Steam Show, Chambersburg, PA, Michael and Karen Steele
A reminder of this service for farmers:
Farmer Crisis Center:
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