Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 6, 2023

Acts 4:13

The leaders saw that Peter and John were not afraid to speak, and they understood that these men had no special training or education. So they were amazed. Then they realized that Peter and John had been with Jesus.

Acts thru August

It was planned from the beginning by The Lord that Jesus was to be born into this world by a virgin. He would suffer for our sins. He would die on the cross. He would resurrect from the dead and ascend to heaven. He was and is God’s perfect Son paying the price for a sinful world. When He came to earth, being God’s Son, one would think that Jesus would have surrounded Himself with great spiritual leaders, high level politicians, and the smartest of those with education. Jesus must have not read the book where this is the common way to succeed. Instead, Jesus surrounded Himself with fishermen and tax collectors and other men of low standing. The leaders of the Jews saw these men chosen by Jesus and were amazed realizing they had no formal or special training but following Jesus and learning from His side. Watching His every move and listening to His every word. People will stop in the FCFI tent and sometimes ask what each of us does for a living. They rarely hear we have seminary training, are employed by a church, or have a degree in Theology. We are like Peter and John and the rest of Jesus Disciples. We are farmers, we are warehouse workers, we are contractors, we are factory workers, we are business people, and we have a love and desire to spread the love of God and the salvation message of Lord Jesus to this dying world! We are right in line with those original men and women chosen by Jesus at the very beginning. What a hoot!! 

Lord, I still am amazed of those You chose to carry Your salvation message to the world. Yes, there are some Pastors out there that love You enough to declare Your Gospel outside the walls of the church. But such a high percentage of those working in the highways and the byways and the fields and the fairs are often people that might not get a second look by most people. Thank You Lord for chosing us and having Your Spirit lead our lives and direct our tongues. All for Jesus!!

Prayer Requests!!!

Please pray for our students as they begin a new school year.

A reminder of this service for farmers:

Farmer Crisis Center:

Send prayer request to: