Prayer Guide and Devotional – August 4, 2023

Acts 2:42-44
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.
Acts thru August
It is amazing to look how Christians today interact. You have various church denominations with their different beliefs. Sometimes someone will ask which church you attend and then will be negative because they do not approve of that churches belief system. Back when the church body was first developing, there were no denominations or any kind of division. They all gathered at homes (there were no church buildings) and had teaching, fellowship, and broke bread together. They were constantly together and had everything in common. God did not create division within today’s church. Man did. We can learn so much from our early church brothers and sisters in regards to how they interacted. Often when something is new and very young (a business or organization) it can be so simple. It is still in the development stages. Maybe we can look back to the development stages of Christianity and glean some great practices that show the Lord’s love toward our fellow (root word of Fellowship!) Christian family members!
Lord, the Disciples of Lord Jesus had such a huge job before them. They were both learning how to follow the practices they learned from Lord Jesus and preach the wonderful news of Lord Jesus salvation message to all the people they met. We have a strong base today as followers of Lord Jesus. But there are still so many things we can learn from our early brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus. Help my heart and eyes be open to what I need to learn from the acts of those that carried Your love to the world and help me to institute that in my life. In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
We pray for our nation to come back to God our creator.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus August 4-6 Eden Corn Festival, Eden, NY, Bill Brown
A reminder of this service for farmers:
Farmer Crisis Center:
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