Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 30, 2023

1 Corinthians 6:11

In the past, some of you were like that, but you were washed clean. You were made holy, and you were made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

The Pennsylvania Northern Tier Chapter of FCFI is just coming off their week of sharing Jesus at the Troy Fair in Troy, Pa. It was an awesome time of sharing Jesus Gospel message of His death and resurrection. Let loose a huge “Praise Jesus” for the 58 souls that came to Lord Jesus on the week. These people were like you and me once – separated from God and destined to spend eternity in hell. These people are now brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus. These people are now washed clean from all their sins. These people are now Holy in the eyes of the Lord. These people were made right with God when they received Jesus into their hearts and lives. These people now have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. These people will now spend eternity in heaven with the Lord!

Pray that the unsaved will come to Jesus this day and not wait another moment!

You, too, can help reach souls for Lord Jesus. You can contact the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International and they will place you in contact with an Area Leader in your region. You can help witness (share Jesus salvation message). Or you can prepare walking sticks. There is always a need to tie the five colored beads onto the bracelets. There are tents and booths that need set-up and taken down. And there are many areas where farmers have been hit with naturtal disasters and help is needed cleaning up and rebuilding with the FCFI Rapid Response Team. There are many ways you can volunteer to help the Gospel of Lord Jesus go out to all the world.

Email FCFI today:

Go on their website (link below) and fill out the volunteer form.

Call the FCFI main office: 309-365-8710

Prayer Requests!!!

We pray for people to stop making personal attacks verbally and physically to those they disagree with.

A reminder of this service for farmers:

Farmer Crisis Center:

Send prayer request to: