Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 26, 2023

Revelation 21:27
But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
The Wordless Bible – The Black Bead
What does the black bead represent? The Gold represents the Gold streets of heaven. The black represents what keeps us from going to heaven. What separates us from God? God has rules and when we break those rules, even once, we cannot go to heaven. The Bible calls those broken rules sins. The Bible verse above is from the Book of Revelation. It is talking about heaven. Look what it says. Even one lie will keep us from going to heaven. Notice it says “a lie.” Not lies. It is not like you can tell ten lies and once they are used up you cannot go to heaven. Just one lie. Do you know anybody who has never told even one lie?? The Bible describes this as a life being lived away from the light of God and in the darkness of our sins. After all, when do most people who are planning on doing something bad do it? In the darkness of night! That is why we use the black bead to describe our sins. Now, look at the end of the verse above. It says only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life are going to heaven. So, someone is going to heaven! God has a book up in heaven called the Lamb’s Book of Life and if your name is in that book you will go to heaven despite your sins. Until we get our name in God’s book, the gates to heaven will remain closed to all of us sinners! How do I get my name in that book??
Check out tomorrow’s Prayer Guide and Devotional for the answer to the that difficult question above!
Prayer Request!!!
July 26- 28 FCFI Annual Conference -Dubuque, IA
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus July 24-29 at the Troy Fair, Troy, PA (Michael and Karen Steele)
A reminder of this service for farmers:
Farmer Crisis Center:
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