Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 18, 2023

Psalm 143:8
Tell me in the morning about Your love,
because I trust You.
Show me what I should do,
because my prayers go up to You.
In the early morning the world seems a little quieter as it is awakening to a new day. What a wonderful time to look for the Lord’s love and to seek His guidance. When we ask Him to show us His Love, He will. You can see His love for the world He created by the way the animals and plants are all taken care of. And do not forget the way in which He cares for all of His Children. Look to the cross! Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross, there is no greater show of love in the world. He died for us! He washed us of all our filthy sins. He made us clean and pure in His eyes. Yes, God really loves us! Because of His great love, when we ask Him what we should do in prayer, He will show us the way we should go. Sit down this morning before your day starts and spend quality time with the Lord as this new day dawns.
Why not ask the Lord early in the morning to show you His way for you today? What He has always wanted was a close relationship with His children. Let your prayers go up to the Lord!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 18-20 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Loyal, WI, Pastor Dave
Please continue to pray for Gina and Dewaye who are experiencing severe marital problems.
A reminder of this service for farmers:
Farmer Crisis Center:
Send prayer request to: