Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 15, 2023

Matthew 20:30

Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

Two blind men were sitting along the road. With being blind they could not watch all that goes on around them each day. They could not be in the fields watching the “Teacher” as many called Jesus and see the many mighty miracles He was performing. They could only sit and listen to the teaching and listen to the stories told to them. So often our focus can be taken off of what it should be on due to everything going on in our surroundings. These blind men had none of those distractions. They heard and believed. When they heard the Teacher was coming by, they shouted out to Jesus “Have mercy on us!” They did not shout out for a healing. These men, without sight, shouted out for the Lord’s mercy. Can it be that these two blind men could see the truth better than many with perfect vision? Maybe we all should be like these blind men. Learn to see with our hearts and not just our eyes. Do not let life’s busyness get in the way of seeing the Lord through the eyes of our hearts. This allows none of the distractions of the world to hinder our relationship with God. In fact, our closeness to God will only grow stronger. Go ahead, close your eyes, and be like these blind men. Now, with eyes closed and heart open, cry out to Jesus “Lord, Son of God, have mercy on me!” Now that is seeing the truth!! 

We all get get so busy in our daily lives. Take a moment today, close your eyes, and cry out to the Lord. Look at God through the eyes of your heart. Don’t allow any distractions from the outside world to drawing you away from God. You will not get any healing you need until you draw CLOSER to God!

Prayer Requests!!!

Please pray for JW, he was let go from a long- term technical job because of family -owned company decided to close up shop!

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