Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 3, 2023

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
One of the funnest things for people to do is to people watch. They look at what people are wearing, what they are carrying, who they are with. People watching is looking at people and making decisions about them based on what is seen, the outward appearance. The Lord does not look at how we are dressed, what we are carrying, or who we are with. He looks only at our hearts. Our hearts are what He sees and what we need to keep pure before Him. We need to look at other people the same way God does.
Pray that we will look at others as the Lord does. Look at people’s hearts and not their outward appearance
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for those affected buy the violence in Baltimore.
Pray for the United States as severe weather is supposed to hit tomorrow during the Fourth of July Holiday.
Pray for the mid west United States and other areas of the world where drought conditions are causing massive problems for farmers crops. Pray for rain for all these areas for crop production.
Pray for all the stressed farmers whose farms are suffering from drought. These farmers and their families lives depend completely upon crop production and the drought is hindering crop growth. Pray for all of these stressed farmers!!
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