Prayer Guide and Devotional – April 22, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Romans 1:20

For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, [even] His everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse

God made all life and created this world by His power. His created world is so wondrous that one can not look upon it, the things that He made, and not realize His awesome power. Therefore, we are without excuse when we look at His mighty work and still refuse to believe in Him. The very creation around us, is so complex and immense, it shows us His power and divine nature. It is estimated that there are almost 11,000 species of birds, 33,000 species of fish, 73,000 species of trees, and they really do not know for sure on any of these. Also, take into account all the rivers, mountains, lakes, and deserts. The world is such an amazing place that only a being with extraordinary creation powers could bring to life. That does not even touch man and his ability to design and create such amazing buildings, structures, and technology. Only a God as big as our God, could place each piece in a way they all co-exist and interact with each other.  As you look around the beautiful creation today, remember the Lord and how much He loves you that this world was created by Him for everyone to live in and enjoy. Don’t even get me started on the complexity of the stars, moon, and sun!!!!! Now, go outside or go look out a window, and see the fingerprints of God on the world around us.

Lord, when I look at this huge globe and see such a wide array of fish, birds, animals, and especially humans, I can see Your fingerprints all over it. The many mountains and rivers and deserts also, declare Your glory. Thank You for creating such a marvelous world for us all to share and live in. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!!

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Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus April 22-24 Arkansas State FFA Convention, Hot Springs Convention Center, Jeff Goss

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