Prayer Guide and Devotional – February 20, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

1 Corinthians 15:40-41

There are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth. The glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies. The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind. And even the stars differ from each other in their glory.

There is very often talk and wonder what life will be like when we arrive in heaven. What will our heavenly bodies really be like when we get to heaven? Are they like our bodies here on earth? At an FCFI event years ago, an older man stopped by the FCFI tent. He had recently lost his wife of many years. He told the FCFI witness that his wife and him lived in a small home with the master bedroom off the kitchen. After her passing, he woke one night and saw a faint figure in the dark. They had a small night light on in the kitchen that threw a small amount of light in the bedroom. He stood up and heard his wife’s voice. She was laughing and said to him she was put in with the teenagers!! We do not know what our bodies will be like in heaven. But the Lord tells us they will not be like our earthly bodies. The Lord explains that as there are different types of bodies (sun, moon, stars), so shall our heavenly bodies be different from our earthly bodies. Heaven is void of wars, disease, and all sin and the effects of sin. So, do not expect to have a body ravaged from many years of an earthly life in a sin filled world. These are the very things that waste our earthly bodies away until we can barely walk, talk, and take care of ourselves. And it might be, that when we get to heaven, our bodies will resemble that time of our lives when we were at our healthiest and most active. Yes, our teenage bodies!! The Lord is perfect and our heavenly bodies will be perfect.

Lord, I do not really know what my heavenly body will be like. But I do know that You love me so much that Your Son died for me on the cross to wash my sins away to allow me entrance to YOUR WONDERFUL WORLD. You are perfect and Your world is perfect. And You are telling me I can be with You for eternity! It cannot be any better!! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.

Please pray for our younger generation. Most of them have been raised in a completely different environment than us older crowd. Pray for direction in their lives and that all roads will lead them to Jesus.

Requesting prayer for Luke Hughes, 36 year old son of Pastor John Hughes, Tifton, GA. Luke is in ICU in Atlanta with double pneumonia.

Pray for 12 year old Katie. She has been having scary dreams.

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