Prayer Guide and Devotional – February 1, 2024

2 Corinthians 13:11
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice, mend your ways, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
The 1960’s was an unusual time. Young adults in their teens and twenties loudly proclaimed it was a time of love and peace. They wore colorful cloths and played lots of music. The thing was the way they were obtaining their love and peace. They often turned to drugs and alcohol to find their love and peace.A type of love and peace that lasted only as long as the effects of their pills and alcohol lasted. A short while later and they were back to their same old life. Some started resorting to crime to get money to continue their drug induced peace. This is a false love and peace offered by the deceptive devil. The Lord God promises everyone that comes to Him His real and lasting love and peace. God’s love and peace is not found in pills and alcohol. God’s love and peace is found in His Son, Jesus Christ! And God’s love and peace will last forever!!! Many people were willing to put foreign substances into themselves to find peace, not knowing what the effect would be on their bodies and lives. Yet, many that want love and peace will stay away from Lord Jesus which will not damage our body and He will never ever let you down. God’s love and peace is as simple as coming to God’s Son, Jesus Christ in prayer and asking Him into your hearts and lives. The only aftereffect of God’s love and peace is an eternity in paradise, heaven. You, too, can have the greatest love and peace in the world. God’s love and peace. And it will last an eternity. No deadly pills. Just the power of God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, coming into your life and giving you unspeakable joy! God’s love and peace!! Like wow man. Rejoice!!!!!!
Lord, I want true love and peace. True love and peace only comes from You. I come to You for that true love and peace that lasts for all eternity. Come into my heart and life. I rejoice in Your gift! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Pray for FCFI members serving the Lord February 1-2 ECHO, Ft Meyers, FL,
Ron, and Deb Herrold
FCFI February 2024 Prayer Guide
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