Prayer Guide and Devotional – January 19, 2024

Matthew 20:27-28
And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Jesus did not come from heaven to be treated like a king and get royal treatment. Yes, He is God’s only true Son and rightly deserves royal treatment. Part of why Jesus came to earth was to teach everyone how we are to act and how we are to think. This is not a strong recommendation but a command. We are advised not to act high and mighty, not to desire the ultimate social life, not to look down on others for any reason, and not to feel we deserve special treatment. How then should we think and act? As Jesus himself acted and instructs us. We are to desire to serve others and to be content as the server and not to insist on being the served. Jesus came to earth to be a ransom paid for our sins. Not His sins. Jesus was sinless. What a lesson coming from God’s Son. He took our punishment instead of us taking our punishment. Be thankful and appreciative of others, be quick to serve them when it is needed or right to do so, and enjoy life helping others in need. This may sound awful to some people. But when you try it, you will feel a sense of peace and contentment that you will find nowhere else in this world. Go ahead. Be a servant and show Lord Jesus you have noticed His commitment to others and want to act just as He did. We often ask for something from Jesus. It is time we all came to Him and tell Him “I want to do this for You!!”
Lord, thank You for allowing me to serve as You did. Lord, I want to do this for You, to serve as You did. I want to serve others out of a love for them. Lord, open my eyes to see how I can serve you today. Lord, open my mouth so that I may speak of You and Your love as I serve in Your name. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Please pray for Mrs. Glaze. Her hip replacement needs to be replaced and she is nearly 90 and doesn’t want to go through the surgery.
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