Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 22, 2023

Philippians 2:5
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
People can be so different. We are all strongly influenced by how we are brought up, the friends we keep, what we are taught in school, and the sports and social activities we engage in. Because of all of this we will look at things differently than the next person. But that is where Lord Jesus comes in. When we have a close and personal relationship with Jesus, He helps to get our thoughts as His thoughts are. Jesus is the absolute truth. When any subject or question comes up, Jesus teaches us exactly how we should think about something and how we should relate to others about these subjects. Surrender all you are to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to give you the mindset of Lord Jesus. If we do not have a strong relationship with the Lord, we do not have His guidance. The Lord tells us, as the Lord’s children, we are to walk every second of every day having the same mindset as Lord Jesus. We then have a stronger relationship with other Christians because we are of the same mind. And we will even have a stronger relationship with non-Christians as well since we will view them with the eyes and hearts of Jesus. Strengthen your relationship with the Lord today!! And tomorrow!! And the next day!!
Lord, I know how reading Your word and talking to You daily will draw me closer to You. Please, do not let anything get in between You and me and help me to surrender all I am to You. Then Lord I can have the same mindset as You and leave a positive impact on this world for You. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Please pray a special prayer for those struggling with the injustices of their world…pray they see they are loved by the Father.
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