Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 9, 2023

John 14:7
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also
Although the disciples worked with Jesus and were with Him daily, they did not recognize that He and His Father were one. Jesus and God are SO close, they are one with each other. When we know Jesus, we also know His Father. Jesus was so one with His Father, that He would call to His Father and His Father would respond with power. An example is when Jesus calmed the storm when He and the disciples were in a boat and the waves were raging. Jesus calmed that storm as easily as His Father because they were one. Jesus in this verse reminds us He is one with the Father. When we see Jesus, we are looking at God. When we talk to Jesus, we are talking to God. That He had lived in perfect oneness with the Father and thus held the same power as God. We also can have that oneness with Jesus. As we read our Bibles and talk to Jesus each day in prayer we are getting closer and closer to Jesus. We are becoming one with Him!! Because Jesus and His Father are one, we can call out to Jesus, knowing that God the Father hears us as well. When you call out to Jesus you are calling out to the One with all the power to calm even the roughest waves during the roughest storms.
Lord, thank you for your Word that helps us understand that you and the Father are one. We can call out to you knowing that you hear us and will act on our behalf with your power. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Please pray we keep the real meaning of Christmas in our spirits as we hurry
and scurry at Christmas time.
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