Prayer Guide and Devotional – December 5, 2023
Hebrews 13:16
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
A Pastor once said “Where there are two or three verses stating the same thing in the Bible, it is important to the Lord.” Christmas is a very special time of the year. Where most holidays are specific to certain countries or regions, Christmas is a holiday celebrated all over the world at the very same time.The world is celebrating the birth of God’s Son into our world. This is another statement from the Lord saying it is so important to do good for others and to share what you have with others. There is a special feeling of the Holy Spirit all over the world at this time of the year. Let the Spirit of the Lord guide you in blessing others. The Lord sees these sacrifices we make and is very pleased with those that gave of themselves. Make the Lord happy and bless others this amazing Christmas Season!!
Lord, I want to be an extension of who and what You are. Help me to be a giver every day of the year. When people see me, let them not think of me, but let their hearts be thinking of and turned to You. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus December 5-7 Nebraska AG EXPO,
Lincoln, NE, Jeff Goss
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