Prayer Guide and Devotional – November 24, 2023

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
It is easy to wake up “on the wrong side of the bed” or be just plain grumpy each morning. It can be easy to get upset with other drivers as we are out on the roadways. It can be so easy to get upset at other people when they do not do things the way we expect things done. But we are to get over those self pity feelings. We are given the command from the Lord to be kind to one another, to have compassion for others, and to be forgiving of each other.And if you look real close, there is no “if” in there. In others words, “if” they do this first or say that first. No, there are no “ifs”. We are to treat ALL people with respect. No matter how others treat us or what they say, we are to be examples of God’s love to all people on this earth. God says this but did He give us any examples of this? Glad you asked!! God’s example was His sending Jesus as the ultimate example of love and forgiveness. Him being absolutely perfect and God’s own Son, He died for us on the cross forgiving our sins and giving us the ultimate example of how to forgive others. And one of the big things to remember is when we forgive another, we are doing it for us, as well. We also will get the healing from our forgiving other people. So as Christ is our example, be quick to be kind to others, show compassion, and forgive as Jesus has done for us!!
Lord, sometimes it seems so difficult to show love and forgiveness to others. People can say and do things that would upset anybody. But I must remember that I am not just anybody. I am a child of the Most High God and because of that I have the Holy Spirit with me enabling me to get over any hurt and to forgive as You have forgiven me. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israeli and foreign hostages being held by Hamas.
Please pray for Jacob, a young man who has struggled with many addictions most of his life. He has become a Believer and after spending a month in the hospital because of bad decisions, he is home and trying to start a new life. He will have a great testimony if he can overcome.
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