Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – November 23, 2023

Isaiah 12:4-5

And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted.” Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.

At this time each year many in the United States gather to celebrate the beginning of our nation. Everything has it’s beginning and we look back upon the time the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts as the forming of such a great nation. A nation founded on Christian principles and blessed by the Lord in so many ways. Thank You Lord for those that left behind the world they knew to start life in the new world. Thank You Lord for the Native Americans that befriended these strangers to their land and, instead of being aggressive towards them, taught them to survive and even flourish in their new and harsh surroundings. Thank You Lord for our Founding Fathers who worked together to instill Christian principles into our government to preserve our rights as Christians no matter the direction that the government may go. And thank You Lord for the awesome men and women of our military that place their lives at risk (and many lost their lives in defense of this one nation under God) defending this mighty nation You created. And thank you most to our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus for always keeping Your love and protection upon our country. Without You this country would never have begun or become the great provider of the world that it is. We would not have had the friendship between the Pilgrims and Natives and we would not have had safeguard for our Christian faith built into the US Constitution without You. Make these deeds of the Lord known among the people. Remember to exalt the name of the Lord on this special day of thanksgiving. All praise and glory and honor are due You, Lord God and Lord Jesus! Sing praises to our Lord!! Let this be known throughout the earth!!

Lord, thank You so much Lord on how You brought this great country of ours together. You guided the pilgrims and the Natives to work together to preserve those new to this land. And You guided the hearts of our Founding Fathers to place Your principles and commandments above all else. We thank You and ask that Your hand never be lifted from our nation, our military, and that our leaders and our people would always place You above everything else in this world. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for Israeli and foreign hostages being held by Hamas.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. Pray for everyone to have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Pray for Brian. He works for a large church in Northern Michigan. While working on a ladder he fell off and broke his leg above the ankle. He had surgery yesterday, will be hospitalized for two weeks, and then more surgery.

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