Prayer Guide and Devotional – November 22, 2023

Colossians 2:6
Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,
You can always tell a sports fan and you can always tell who their favorite team is. These people will wear hats, shirts, pants, scarves, and socks with their team name and logo on them. They will talk about their team and will totally immerse themselves in that team. And most of all, they stand and yell and cheer for their sports teams. In Colossians, Paul is telling us to do this same thing but to do so with Jesus! Once you have received Jesus into your heart and your life the Lord wants you to be one with Jesus and make Him the center of your life.Read your Bible everyday to feed your spirit. Talk to God in prayer constantly throughout the day and feel the energy that comes with communicating with God. And now, walk each moment of each day of your life in and with Jesus! Let your heart and your thoughts, your words and your actions, be centered on Jesus. Walk through this world in Jesus and find out just how wonderful of a choice you truly made when you received Jesus into your heart and life. If you received Jesus into your heart and then ignore that powerful relationship you could be having with God’s Son Himself, the only person you are cheating is yourself. It is never too late to walk in and with Jesus! When you receive Jesus into your heart and your life, it is not just a once and done moment, but it is a lifestyle to live the rest of your life. Fee free to now stand and cheer for your Savior, Lord Jesus Christ!!
Lord, please help this world take the same enthusiasm they have with sports, their jobs, and even their hobbies, and apply that 100 times more with Jesus. Instead of going crazy over the man throwing, catching, or running with the ball, we should all get fanatical over the God that created that sport for people to enjoy. Help me to strive hard each day to get closer to You and walk in You each day of the rest of my life. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!
Pray for Israeli and foreign hostages being held by Hamas.
Please pray for the unsaved “good” people…it is harder for them to accept the Gospel.
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