Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – November 16, 2023

2 Corinthians 5:7

for we walk by faith, not by sight.

If you were not really sure about what you were reading, you might think that this verse was telling people to walk with their eyes closed and just trust the Lord you would not stumble and injure yourself. But that is not the case. The Lord is telling us the world is a crazy and mixed up place. If we try to live our lives without faith in God and focus solely on the world around us, we will be in big trouble. The world around us has such a strong influence from sin that if we do not have a relationship with the Lord, if we have no faith in God, we are bound to get mixed up in all the scary happenings around us and this will be the main influence on us when it comes to us making decisions. We must keep our spiritual eyes on the Lord and communicate with Him everyday in prayer.This helps us strengthen our faith in God and will help us to live life with more stability. Let the Lord be your main influence in decisions you must make each and every day and you will know you are walking a life pleasing to the Lord. Now, walking by faith does not mean you will never encounter difficult moments. You still will. But you will have the confidence in God that He will help you get through, around, or over those moments. Have you talked to the Lord today about how you can please and serve Him more?? 

Lord, the world can be such a difficult place to live. But I know as long as I have a strong relationship with You I will not stumble and fall. Help my faith in You to grow stronger everyday. And help me to have a positive effect on all those I meet everyday for You. Please, Holy Spirit, be my guide. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!!

Pray for Israeli and foreign hostages being held by Hamas.

Please pray for Everleigh…a baby with an important kidney 

doctor appointment coming up.

Please pray for Jennifer’s family. Her husband is in critical condition after receiving cancer treatments.

Prayers for Koda (Little Princess). She is JC and DD’s little dog, sorry, diminutivefamily member, that had surgery yesterday to remove a stone from her bladder. Pray for a complete healing and for the Lord to help cover the cost.

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