Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 31 2023

1 John 1:4-5
This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
Tonight the United States, and quite possibly all of the world, will celebrate Halloween. They will dress as ghosts and goblins and pay a type of homage to the dead. And not special people that have died like loved ones we miss. But of dead that show decayed bodies and horribly disfigured faces and bodies. There is nothing in this celebration that praises our God. We are reminded by John that God is a god of light and not darkness. There is absolutely NO DARKNESS in God. And look what we are told. If we walk in darkness, we lie! If we walk in darkness, we do not practice the truth. When are most crimes committed – at night in the dark so they are not seen. When do we celebrate Halloween with our spooky decorations and costumes – at night in the dark when we expect these type of creatures to come out. Look at that lighthouse above. Shining it’s light in the dark of night showing ships the way through the perils of the rocks and sand bars waiting in the dark to destroy them. That is You Lord! You are that lighthouse for all people of the world. We live in darkness of sin and need Your light for guidance. Be a lighthouse for the Lord and shine the Lord’s love to a dark world and help them navigate the things of evil, looking to destroy them, and bring them to the eternal life saving light of Jesus!! God is light and in Him is NO darkness. Just think how beautiful heaven is!!
Lord, I have celebrated Halloween a good portion of my life. I did not know what I was doing. Most of these people do not know who You are or anything about You. Many may be babes in their Christian walk and do not think of what they are doing. I pray Lord for Your forgiveness of myself and all those participating in this event this weekend. Help us all to get closer to You and understand what is right and what is wrong and help us all to joyfully live life in Your light. I love You, Lord!! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel as they are being attacked by Hamas.
Please pray for those who are going through life altering changes in their lives.
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