Prayer Guide and Devotional – June 15, 2023

2 Corinthians 10:5
and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,
Ever see a news story, a movie, or a picture where someone is captive either in a cell or in chains? Those people are at complete mercy of the captor. Their lives are under control of that captor as long as they are a prisoner. The Apostle Paul reminds us all to take our minds and our thoughts as captives of Lord Jesus so we are in complete obedience to Him. And notice we are the ones to take the action. We are not to live our worldly lives and wait for Jesus to force His way into our minds. When we purposely take every thought captive in Lord Jesus we are becoming one with God and allowing Jesus complete control over our lives. And do not do this as a temporary thing until your life is how you want it to be. Make this a lifetime commitment! Jesus loves us all and will only direct us in the right and perfect way to act and think. Allow Him complete obedience of your mind and life. Come to Jesus and dedicate yourself to Him today!
Lord Jesus, I give all I am to You right now. I ask that You help my mind, my heart, and my life become one with You. Help me to think and speak and act according to Your will and Your way. And help me to have a positive Godly impact on the world around me. In Jesus name, Amen!!
Prayer Request!!
Pray for our country as the government is constantly battling each other. Pray for unity and for Politicians to come to Jesus when making decisions for our nation.
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