Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 4, 2023

1 Peter 2:5

you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

How precious and wonderful it is being in the family of God. We become something special when we come to Jesus. Jesus is the cornerstone. The stone that keeps the house together. But, look! We are all stones in that great wall as well. We are living, spiritual stones. We are all placed into that great wall that is the Temple of the Living God. Each one of us, as brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus, each stone, has it’s place in that great wall. The Holy Spirit is in our lives holding that wall together. Parts of that wall are from all around the world and from every state. We are all precious living stones together and a special priesthood in the eyes of God. A priesthood to God showing the world the love of Jesus. We offer up spiritual sacrifices to the Lord every day, through our lives being totally committed to Lord Jesus. Think, feel, love, and act as one precious family adhered together by the blood of Jesus! Don’t you just love our family!! 

Lord, I thank you so much for giving me a place in your wall. I ask You to help me be a solid rock and a living sacrifice to You all the days of my life! I pray my sacrifice is always acceptable to You. Help the world to see You and not me when they look my way and use my life to bring more people to Lord Jesus!!

Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for the Lord’s wisdom regarding the new covid vaccine and whether it is safe or necessary to be taken. 

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