Prayer Guide and Devotional – September 23, 2023

John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
The Christian “Family” is a very big family. And where there are very big families you often have strife or division. After all, people do not think and feel and act as each other. This makes each of us very distinct from the next person in our Christian family. But, problems occur because people are different and they often let those differences show in an aggressive manner. The Lord knows how us humans are and that we will disagree with each other. Jesus is telling His disciples how even though they have done things with Jesus through the years that should have upset Jesus, He did not get upset and yell and throw a tantrum. He loved each of His disciples all the same and without question. Jesus is telling all of us that disagreement will occur but respect and love each other no matter the differences. True love looks beyond other peoples social standing, job status, type of car they drive, how clean they are, and which sports team they root for! And since they were all Jews and knew the original commandments set down by the Lord through Moses, Jesus was telling them this was so important that they were to view this as a “new commandment.” You take the 10 Commandments serious. Take this new commandment just as serious. After all, do you want the big feast in heaven to look like the picture above?? Love each other as Jesus loves us!!
Lord, I know I am certainly not perfect. And I often have my own opinion. But Lord, help me love and respect all people and never let anything come between us. The main way I can have a positive effect on the world around me Lord is to show everyone Your love and respect!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 23-24 Remsen Barn Festival, Remsen, NY, Bill Brown
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 23-24 Underhill Market Festival, Underhill, VT, Bill Brown
Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus September 23-30 Bloomsburg Fair,
Bloomsburg, PA, Doc Devoe
Looking for witnesses!
If you are from the south or will be traveling south in October we could use some help at the Sunbelt Ag Expo, Oct 17-19 in Moultrie, GA. If you need lodging please let us know so we make plans for you. The Sunbelt is one of the largest farm shows in the US. Looking forward to hearing from you!
William A. Brown
FCFI Area Coordinator
Cell Phone: 315-749-6823
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