Prayer Guide and Devotional

Prayer Guide and Devotional – June 12, 2023

Ephesians 2:9

not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Have you ever been somewhere like work or out with friends when one person just controls all the conversation with their boasting. They cannot get enough of telling you and all in the world that will listen about themselves and their exploits. Know who else does not enjoy hearing people boast? The Lord! The Lord reminds us that our salvation comes to all people free of charge and without being able to earn it. Jesus died on the cross for all of us and all we have to do to receive an eternity in paradise in heaven with the Lord is to receive Jesus into our hearts and lives. So there can be none of that awful human boasting when it comes to our salvation. Jesus paid the price, not you or me or anyone else. No reason to boast. 

Pray that all people will understand their salvation is a free gift from Jesus and there is no reason to boast about themselves.

Prayer Request!!

Please pray for Tim as he deals every day with a permanent ostomy bag. 

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