Prayer Guide and Devotional

Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
The Lord reminds us that just as sheep tend to stray from the flock, people will stray from their shepherd. And this is not being compared to sheep in a good way!Yes, we all will go astray, we will be lead away from the Lord as sin occurs in our lives. We have a habit of returning, every one, to his own way and maybe his old way, a way of sin. The Lord cannot be where sin is and so when we sin, the Lord cannot be there with us. God was telling everyone, way back in Isaiah’s time, that the Lord was totally aware of our sinful nature and He was going to address it. He was telling us way back then that our salvation was coming. The Holy One (Lord Jesus) would come and the Lord would lay all of our sin on Him! At some point we all find ourselves in a similar situation as the sheep in the picture is in. Come down off that rock and come back to the Lord! Let us all repent (turn away from) from the sin in our lives and as a sheep is found by the Good shepherd, we shall be found and cleaned by the Lord. Farmer Crisis Center: Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 4-7 Four Seasons Craft and Flea Market, Carleton, MN, Pete SingerPray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 7 Cowlesville Flea Market, Cowlesville, NY, Bill Brown Send prayer request to: |