Pennsylvania Chapter Busy Spreading the Good News

FCFI witness Sally Good shares the five colors with this young lady. She was already saved but absolutely loved the FCFI Minsitry (new to her). She asked for and was given 10 bracelets and FCFI Owners Manuals to share with her Bible Study group. Her husband with her was so funny talking about being there for the hot sausage and none being found on the grounds.


This young man is Gerald Bourne. He has made small wood crosses for the Pennsylvania FCFI chapters for several years. The chapters would glue the five colored beads on the crosses and put magnets on the back of some and attach necklace lace to others. These have been staple witness tools for us for several years. Last year Gerald had a major health scare and can no longer use his wood working equipment. But, whenever our chapter is up in the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania sharing Jesus, Gerald always seems to find us and come and sit and share his smile and laugh! He has been, and still is, a major part of the FCFI Pa Northern Tier Chapter. God bless you brother!


FCFI witness Karen Steele talks with George the Ring Master for “Phydeaux’s Flying Flea Circus.” As he was talking there with Karen a young lady walked up to the table. Karen shifted from George to her as he watched quietly. Within minutes the young lady was walking away with her new Walking Stick and her name now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! George was stunned how simple the quick the presentation is and how the young lady was quick to pray. Karen reminded him it is not us. That we are just the laborers and so many people are out there ready to receive Jesus but they don’t know how.