Michael and Karen Steele

Here was one of the busy times. On the right in blue FCFI witness Karen Steele shares with a gentleman. To the left FCFI witness Jeff Waybright talks with a farm family. Some had questions. We told them about FCFI and gave Profit Magazines and FCFI brochures.
The 2025 Keystone Farm Show took place from Tuesday, January 7, to Thursday, January 9, at the York Fairgrounds in York, Pennsylvania. This annual event brought together farm families and industry professionals for three days of connection and learning.
The Fellowship of Christian Farmers International (FCFI) set up our booth in a large tent just across from the main building. Despite the frigid temperatures—exacerbated by the 3 to 4-inch gap between the pavement and the tent walls—we were grateful for the opportunity to interact with farm families and share the love of Christ.
Even on the coldest day, Tuesday, the warmth of fellowship and meaningful conversations made it all worthwhile.
Below, you’ll find some wonderful photos capturing these moments of connection and engagement with the farming community.

Gram takes her two granddaughters over to look into the Jesus Box (sign on top says “Look Inside To See Who Jesus Died For?” There is a mirror inside the box.

FCFI witness Karen Steele (left) goes through the Wordless Bible colors with these children. Mom stands behind listening in.

This gentleman saw the John Deere colored Wordless Walking Stick and had to have it. He is enjoying looking at the paint colors. The Pennsylvania Northern Tier Chapter headed this event and arrived with around 70 walking sticks painted in John Deere green and yellow, Farmall/IH red and white, Allis Chalmers orange and white, and Ford red and gray and Ford blue and white.

This young man stopped to show us his Jesus sweatshirt. He is a weight lifter and a Christian lifter was wearing one of these and he had to have one, also. It proclaims Jesus as the greatest “Dead” lifter by His coming back to life.

FCFI witness Karen Steele is sharing the colors of the Wordless Bible and Jesus’ salvation message with this gentleman.

Another John Deere stick is chosen. The father and son lean forward to listen to the message of the five colored beads on the bracelet attached to his new stick.

FCFI witness Michael Steele (blue FCFI sweatshirt) shares the message of the colors with this young man. We had a great time talking to everyone. They were all very polite and shared in the conversation.
A gentleman stopped by and told us the story of the starfish. The church he currently attends is named the Starfish Church because of this story:
A boy was walking along the ocean throwing stranded starfish on the beach back into the water. A man walks up to the boy and tells him that there are miles and miles of stranded starfish and that what he was doing could not possibly make a difference. The boy responded, “It makes a difference for this starfish.” At that point he threw another starfish back into the ocean, thus saving its life from death on the beach. This is what we do when we witness, we are rescuing people from death and showing them the Life that is only found in Jesus.
Jeff Waybright came over from the CFO booth and helped us at times. Also, Dennis Glourioss from CFO stopped by and provided his number to help in this region when needed. What a blessing to have more help in this area for future events.

FCFI witness Jeff Waybright holds the FCFI gel bracelet and uses it to share the colors. This family wanted their children to hear the wonderful message of God’s love for us!

FCFI witness Karen Steele uses the Ford tractor stick to share the Wordless Bible with this family. Two Ford sticks and one Farmall stick went out to this family.

You can see the various tractor colored sticks in the stick box. The sticks were very popular. We have a sign on the box telling people it is free if you get the salvation message with it. We gave out approximately 100-125 walking sticks at this event this year.

Lee and his mother took over Dad’s irrigation installation business two years ago after Lee’s father passed away from a car accident. Mom was thinking of disbanding the business but Lee told her not to. He had helped Dad enough that he could handle the installation and repairs side. The business is thriving today and they are now reaching out to other states. They are from New Jersey. Lee is determined to continue the business that his father started. Lee and his mother’s business was a main sponsor at the vendor dinner (as shown on the paper that Lee’s mother is holding).

FCFI witness Michael Steele gives this young man the FCFI Profit Magazine and FCFI brochure to put in his bag. We always show the people the back of the Profit Magazine to let them know how busy FCFI is in sharing the Salvation message of Jesus Christ with the world around us.
At a recent event, FCFI witness Jeff Waybright shared a simple yet impactful message, offering gel bracelets to attendees with the words, “This bracelet is for you.” One man, deeply touched by this gesture, shared that he had been struggling after someone challenged his faith earlier that day. Jeff’s words reminded him of Jesus’ unwavering love, helping him overcome his struggle.
We also had the pleasure of meeting a man from Camp Eder, a Christian camp in Fairfield, PA, who was inspired by our presentation and invited us to speak at his camp. Additionally, a representative from a local Baptist church expressed interest in partnering with us to support the ministry.
The greatest blessing of all was praying with four individuals as they accepted Jesus into their hearts and lives. We ask you to keep these new believers in your prayers, that they may grow daily in their knowledge and faith in Christ.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Together, we are making an eternal impact.
God bless,
Michael and Karen Steele