The North Montgomery FFA Chapter from Crawfordsville, Indiana travelled to Henryville, Indiana, April 25, 2012, to help pick up trash in alpaca and llama pastures, re-roof buildings, and donate funds raised
to help Henryville High School, which was heavily damaged from the March 2nd EF-4 tornado. North Montgomery FFA Advisor is Nancy Bell.
They used the Fellowship’s Kubota gator and trailer to haul trash gleaned from pastures into a pile to burn and finally bury. Sheets of roofing steel were salvaged to recycle in Louisville, Kentucky. The Fellowship of Christian Farmers need to replace and add more equipment for disaster relief efforts.
The Scottsburg FFA Chapter organized a haylift following the March 2nd storm. As FCFI teams worked on farms in the destruction zone, Scottsburg FFA would ship the hay to farmers who needed it. The early spring storm kept cattle in dry lots until fences could be rebuilt. Scottsburg FFA advisor is Danielle Walker.
The Indiana State FFA Officer team worked in Henryville on May 28th. The team presented FCFI Rapid
Response Coordinator, John Adams, with a check for $1000 on behalf of Indiana Farm Credit Services for disaster relief. The State Officer team worked on a destroyed barn that was rebuilt later in the summer.
Northeast of Henryville High School is a farm owned by Mike and Peg Stevens. The EF-4 tornado purverized building materials (insulation, roofing, vinyl siding, etc.) and spread it all over the pastureland. These small bits of trash can be ingested by ruminant animals and create serious health problems. North Montgomery FFA members made a big job small by combing the pastures of the Stevens’ farm.