North Louisiana Ag Expo – Monroe, LA
The Fellowship of Christian Farmers kicked off the new year at the North Louisiana Ag Expo in Monroe, Louisiana on January 19 and 20, 2018. Area Leader Jeff Goss assembled a team including his wife Julie Goss, Bill Bosse, Local Bible school students, Brandon Byrd, Kaylee Johnson, Hunter Bailey, Lacey Self, and Spencer Reinhardt.
From Area Leader Jeff Goss:
“We had several ministers give us there contact information to maybe help next year. Once again we had large numbers of people coming to our booth to receive walking sticks and to hear the Gospel.”

Brandon Byrd sharing with a young man. These days, it may very well be the first time he heard the Gospel.
“Last year, we had one Bible school student help us at this show. This year, we had five Bible Schools help us. The Bible school instructor said she wants to promote this even more, so we will have more help next year. She also was interested in getting students involved in helping us with the Louisiana State FFA convention this summer in Alexandria Louisiana. Bible school student Hunter Bailey said doing this outreach helped him immensely and that he wants to minister at another farm show in the future.”
The stats:
Walking Sticks / Yard Sticks, etc 2700
Bracelets without Sticks 500
Owner / Operator Manuals 2700
FCFI Brochures, etc 50
Upcoming farm shows:
Iowa Power Farming Show, Des Moines, IA, Jan 30-31
National Farm Machinery Show, Louisville, KY, Feb 17-20